For any enquiries contact
Key Dates
Abstract submission closed: MONDAY, 5th AUGUST 2024, 5pm AEST
Notification of acceptance expected: late Septmeber 2024
You can download the abstract template here.
Before submitting, please ensure that your abstract is formatted as a .PDF file.
1. Register for a user account above.
An email will be sent to verify your registration. If you do not receive an email within 5 minutes, check your junk/spam mail folder.
2. Verify account using link in email.
3. Log-in and submit abstract.
To submit a NEW Abstract >> click the + NEW ABSTRACT option from the top menu.
TITLE: Enter abstract title.
ABSTRACT THEME: Select abstract theme from the list.
- Sports
- Medical imaging
- Sensors, wearables & emerging technology
- Modelling and simulation
- Injury
- Clinical
- Musculoskeletal biology
- Locomotion & human movement
- Tissue engineering
SUBMITTING AUTHOR: Enter your name and email and selected preferred session type oral or poster.
PRESENTER INFORMATION: Enter presentor Information, name and email.
You may nominate for ONE of the following awards during abstract submission under presenter information section. See eligiblity criteria below:
- ANZSB Student investigator award
- ANZSB Early career researcher award
- ANZORS PhD student award
- ANZORS David Findlay early career researcher award
- ANZORS Minghao Zheng orthopaedic innovation award (additional submission requirements*)
You may also nominate for the ANZSB Emerging female scientist award (you may also apply for one of the other wards listed above)
*For ANZORS Minghao Zheng orthopaedic innovation award make sure to also enter you 100 word statement, see eligiblity criteria below for more details.
UPLOAD ABSTRACT: Attach abstract, it must be in pdf format using the supplied template, which can be found HERE.
SUBMIT ABSTRACT: click the Submit button.
Award eligibility
ANZSB Student Investigator Award
Eligibility: To qualify for the Student Investigator Award the candidate must be the first author of the abstract submitted to the conference. Candidates must be a currently enrolled PhD student who has yet to defend his/her thesis prior to the conference date (Masters and Honors students are also encouraged). Your must be a finiancial member of ANZSB to apply for the award.
ANZSB Early Career Researcher Award
Eligibility: To qualify for the Early Career Researcher Investigator Award the candidate must be the first author of the abstract submitted to the conference. Candidates must be within 5 years of PhD conferral (including approved extensions due to career disruptions) at the time of the abstract submission deadline. The candidate must have made the major contribution to the research paper, and must personally present the research (podium presentation) at the conference. Your must be a finiancial member of ANZSB to apply for the award. You may apply for both the Emerging Female Scientist award and the Early Career Researcher Award if eligible.
ANZSB Emerging Female Scientist Award
Eligibility: To qualify for the Emerging Female Scientist Award the candidate must be the first author of the abstract submitted to the conference. Candidates must be early to mid-career female researchers within 10 years of PhD conferral (including approved extensions due to career disruptions) at the time of the abstract submission deadline. The candidate must have made the major contribution to the research paper, and must personally present the research (podium presentation) at the conference. Your must be a finiancial member of ANZSB to apply for the award. You may apply for both the Emerging Female Scientist award and the Early Career Researcher Award if eligible.
ANZORS PhD Student Award
Annually the scientific committee will award the ANZORS PhD student award to an outstanding PhD student based on the work they present at the conference. At the time of abstract submission those wishing to be nominated for this award must identify this on the online form. Only those currently enrolled in a PhD are eligible for this award. Past ANZORS PhD student award winners are not eligible to apply for this award.
ANZORS David Findlay Early Career Researcher Award
Annually the scientific committee will award the ANZORS ECR award to an outstanding early career scientist based on the work they present at the conference. At the time of abstract submission those wishing to be nominated for this award must identify this on the online form. Early career researchers are considered those who are within three years of PhD conferral. Past ANZORS ECR award winners are not eligible to apply for this award.
ANZORS Minghao Zheng Orthopaedic Innovation Award
Given to all categories including postgraduate, undergraduate (honours) students and ECRs (within three years of PhD conferral). Selection of abstracts is based on scientific merit, including patent filing and value of translating the research into clinical applications. During the abstract submission, applicants may add a short statement (not more than 100 words) to address if the work has been filed a patent and the potential clinical applications. The evaluation criteria include the presentation of the work at the conference. Past Minghao Zheng Orthopaedic Innovation award winners are not eligible to apply for this award.
Travel awards must be applied for through the relevant societies websites. You can receive a travel grant from one society only.
ANZORS Travel Grant
Applicants can apply for an ANZORS Travel Grant HERE. Please note that travel grants are available only for applicants based outside of the Melbourne area. To be eligible for a travel grant, applicants must be the presenting and first author of a paper at the ABC-ANZORS 2024 conference, must have made substantial contribution to the paper and must be employed at a Lecturer level (B) or below.
ANZSB Travel Awards
Applicants can apply for an ANZSB Travel Grant HERE. ANZSB offers a number of travel awards for higher degree research students and early to mid career researchers. To be eligible for a travel grant, applicants must be the presenting and first author of a paper at the ABC-ANZORS 2024 conference and a financial member of ANZSB.
Example of abstract submission portal